Monday, June 4, 2012

Drasmyr by Matthew D Ryan

In a world of wizards and vampires a
clever man may make a fortune. But
hunting the undead is no small task, as
Coragan the bounty hunter will soon
find out. He will need all his wits and
the help of his comrades to succeed this
time. Together, they must pit themselves
against a creature so old time itself
bends knee, an ancient vampire by the
name of Lucian val Drasmyr. Read
Drasmyr, a dark fantasy novel by
Matthew D. Ryan.

We vampires do not make easy prey.
Our weaknesses are few, our strengths
many. Fear is something we do not
know, and death but a distant memory.
So tread softly, pray to your god, and gird yourself with silver when the moons
arise and night’s dark prince awakens. We fear not the wizard, nor the warrior,
neither rogue, nor priest; our strength is timeless, drawn from darkness and we
know no master save the hot lust of our unending hunger. We long for blood, your
blood and no blade, nor spell, nor clever artifice, can keep us long from our prize.
Feel our teeth at your throat, your life ebb from you, and know as darkness comes
to claim you that the price of your folly is your everlasting soul.

About the Author

Matthew D. Ryan is a
published author living in
upstate New York on the
shores of Lake
Champlain. He has a
background in
philosophy, mathematics,
and computer science. He
also has a black belt in
the martial arts and
studies yoga. He has been
deeply involved in the
fantasy genre for most of
his life as a reader, writer, and game designer. He believes he saw the legendary
Lake Champlain Monster (a.k.a Champy) once and he has a cat named Confucius.


Facebook Page:

Twitter Handle: MatthewDRyan1

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